Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Yea Sarah!!!!

So I have been out of the loop and I apologize. I have confirmation from the design team that they are sticking with me, so we will be working on some fun stuff in the next few months for some amazing stuff for the fall!

Now for the summer, we will keep things going here so when you have time check in and be challenged.

Now to explain the title I received an e-mail from Sarah last night and check it out!

Sarah is more insane about Basic Grey then me (and yes that is possible!) and I am sure she is over the moon with this.

Now I am going to throw a show and tell challenge out to you all... As I have just spent the night making teacher gifts (3 down 2 to go!) My challenge is this

show us what gifts you are creating out there.

Post in the Gallery and I will collect all the entries and post them here together for all to see! I will then put all the entries in a hat and randomly draw for a RAK from me!

Deadline is June 29th

Have fun